Methods to capture website page, render html.
- CaptureWebpage: Caputre screenshot of website page.
- CaptureHTML: Render HTML code as image, Convert HTML to Image.
Methods to access resulting image.
- SaveImage: Save captured screenshot, thumbnail.
- GetImage: Get captured screenshot in memory.
Methods to access HTML document and others.
- GetHtmlDocument: Get the HTML document object of the captured website page.
- GetDocumentSource: Get the HTML source of the captured website page.
- GetDocumentTitle: Get the title of the captured website page.
- GetDocumentText: Get the text content of the captured website page.
- GetDocumentLinks: Get the URLs of links on the captured website page.
- GetDocumentImages: Get the URLs of images on the captured website page.
- GetDocumentFrames: Get the URLs of frames on the captured website page.
- BrowserWidth: Width of the browser.
- BrowserHeight: Height of the browser.
- TimeOutSeconds: Timeout for the process.
- DelaySeconds: Seconds for the delayed snapshot.
- NoActiveX: To disable activex on the page.
- NoJava: To disable java on the page.
- NoScripts: To disable scripts on the page.
- Force: Forcefully take the screenshot if timeout.
- ImageFormat: Format of the output image.
- ImageWidth: Width of the output image.
- ImageHeight: Height of the output image.
- PreserveAspectRatio: Preserve aspect ratio when applying width or height to the output image.
- JpegQuality: JPEG quality for the output image.
- ImageWidth: Width of the output image.
- ImageHeight: Height of the output image.
- PreserveAspectRatio: Preserve aspect ratio when applying width or height to the output image.
Methods description
Even for asynchronize result
Event | Description |
CaptureResult | Handle this event to get the result of CaptureWebpageAsync and CaptureHTMLAsync methods, get the result in Enum Result (Values: Captured, Failed, Timeout) |
Properties for CaptureWebpage and CaptureHTML methods
Property | Description | Default Value | BrowserWidth | Browser width | Automatically determined |
BrowserHeight | Browser Height | Automatically determined |
TimeOutSeconds | Timeout in seconds, timeout value for the process | 120 |
DelaySeconds | Delay in seconds. After page loads, take screenshot after specified seconds. Useful for the page containing flash or other ActiveX | 0 |
NoActiveX | Disable ActiveX on the page | False |
NoJava | Disable Java on the page | False |
NoScripts | Disable Scripts on the page | False |
Force | Force to take screenshot if timeout | False |
Properties for SaveImage method
Property | Description | Default Value |
ImageFormat | Format of output image Values: JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, TIF |
ImageFormats.JPG |
ImageWidth | Width of the output image | Automatically determined |
ImageHeight | Height of the output image | Automatically determined |
PreserveAspectRatio | Preserve aspect ratio when applying width or height to the output image | False |
JpegQuality | Jpeg quality for output image Values: 0 to 100 |
100 |
Properties for GetImage method
Property | Description | Default Value |
ImageWidth | Width of the output image | Automatically determined |
ImageHeight | Height of the output image | Automatically determined |
PreserveAspectRatio | Preserve aspect ratio when applying width or height to the output image | False |
Sample Code
The following code sample shows how to create full size PNG screenshot from a website page url.
VB .Net code.
Dim _Obj As New WebsitesScreenshot.WebsitesScreenshot Dim _Result As WebsitesScreenshot.WebsitesScreenshot.Result With _Obj _Result = .CaptureWebpage("") If _Result = WebsitesScreenshot.WebsitesScreenshot. _ Result.Captured Then .ImageFormat = WebsitesScreenshot. _ WebsitesScreenshot.ImageFormats.PNG .SaveImage("c:\google.png") End If End With _Obj.Dispose()
C# .Net Code.
WebsitesScreenshot.WebsitesScreenshot _Obj; _Obj = new WebsitesScreenshot.WebsitesScreenshot (); WebsitesScreenshot.WebsitesScreenshot.Result _Result; _Result = _Obj.CaptureWebpage(""); if (_Result == WebsitesScreenshot.WebsitesScreenshot.Result.Captured) { _Obj.ImageFormat = WebsitesScreenshot. WebsitesScreenshot.ImageFormats.PNG; _Obj.SaveImage ("c:\\google.png"); } _Obj.Dispose();
The following code sample shows how to convert local html/mhtml file to image.
VB .Net code.
Dim _Obj As New WebsitesScreenshot.WebsitesScreenshot Dim _Result As WebsitesScreenshot.WebsitesScreenshot.Result With _Obj _Result = .CaptureWebpage("c:\myhtml.html") If _Result = WebsitesScreenshot.WebsitesScreenshot. _ Result.Captured Then .ImageFormat = WebsitesScreenshot. _ WebsitesScreenshot.ImageFormats.BMP .SaveImage("c:\test.bmp") End If End With _Obj.Dispose()
C# .Net code.
WebsitesScreenshot.WebsitesScreenshot _Obj; _Obj=new WebsitesScreenshot.WebsitesScreenshot(); WebsitesScreenshot.WebsitesScreenshot.Result _Result; _Result = _Obj.CaptureWebpage("c:\\myhtml.html"); if (_Result == WebsitesScreenshot.WebsitesScreenshot.Result.Captured) { _Obj.ImageFormat = WebsitesScreenshot. WebsitesScreenshot.ImageFormats.BMP; _Obj.SaveImage("c:\\test.bmp"); } _Obj.Dispose();
The following code sample shows how to render html code to gif.
VB .Net code.
Dim _Obj As New WebsitesScreenshot.WebsitesScreenshot Dim _Result As WebsitesScreenshot.WebsitesScreenshot.Result With _Obj _Result = .CaptureHTML( _ "<html><body><h1> Hello world </h1></body></html>") If _Result = WebsitesScreenshot.WebsitesScreenshot. _ Result.Captured Then .ImageFormat = WebsitesScreenshot. _ WebsitesScreenshot.ImageFormats.GIF .SaveImage("c:\test.gif") End If End With _Obj.Dispose()
C# .Net code.
WebsitesScreenshot.WebsitesScreenshot _Obj; _Obj=new WebsitesScreenshot.WebsitesScreenshot(); WebsitesScreenshot.WebsitesScreenshot.Result _Result; _Result = _Obj.CaptureHTML( "<html><body><h1> Hello world </h1></body></html>"); if (_Result == WebsitesScreenshot.WebsitesScreenshot.Result.Captured) { _Obj.ImageFormat = WebsitesScreenshot. WebsitesScreenshot.ImageFormats.GIF; _Obj.SaveImage("c:\\test.gif"); } _Obj.Dispose();
The following code sample shows how to get the resulting image in the memory.
VB .Net code.
Dim _Obj As New WebsitesScreenshot.WebsitesScreenshot Dim _Result As WebsitesScreenshot.WebsitesScreenshot.Result Dim _MyBitmap As System.Drawing.Bitmap With _Obj _Result = .CaptureWebpage("") If _Result = WebsitesScreenshot.WebsitesScreenshot. _ Result.Captured Then _MyBitmap = .GetImage End If End With _Obj.Dispose()
C# .Net code.
WebsitesScreenshot.WebsitesScreenshot _Obj; _Obj=new WebsitesScreenshot.WebsitesScreenshot(); WebsitesScreenshot.WebsitesScreenshot.Result _Result; System.Drawing.Bitmap _MyBitmap; _Result = _Obj.CaptureWebpage(""); if (_Result == WebsitesScreenshot.WebsitesScreenshot.Result.Captured) { _MyBitmap = _Obj.GetImage(); } _Obj.Dispose();
The following code sample shows how to capture website with flash content, which takes time to load.
VB .Net code.
Dim _Obj As New WebsitesScreenshot.WebsitesScreenshot Dim _Result As WebsitesScreenshot.WebsitesScreenshot.Result With _Obj .DelaySeconds = 30 _Result = .CaptureWebpage("") If _Result = WebsitesScreenshot.WebsitesScreenshot. _ Result.Captured Then .SaveImage("c:\test.jpg") End If End With _Obj.Dispose()
C# .Net code.
WebsitesScreenshot.WebsitesScreenshot _Obj; _Obj=new WebsitesScreenshot.WebsitesScreenshot(); WebsitesScreenshot.WebsitesScreenshot.Result _Result; _Obj.DelaySeconds = 30; _Result = _Obj.CaptureWebpage(""); if (_Result == WebsitesScreenshot.WebsitesScreenshot.Result.Captured) { _Obj.SaveImage("c:\\test.jpg"); } _Obj.Dispose();
The following code sample shows how to generate website page thumbnail image (asynchronize).
VB .Net code.
Dim WithEvents __AsyncWebsitesScreenshot As New _ WebsitesScreenshot.WebsitesScreenshot Private Sub Button4_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _ ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click With __AsyncWebsitesScreenshot .CaptureWebpageAsync("") End With End Sub Private Sub __AsyncWebsitesScreenshot_CaptureWebpageResult _ (ByVal pResult As WebsitesScreenshot.WebsitesScreenshot.Result) _ Handles __AsyncWebsitesScreenshot.CaptureResult If pResult = WebsitesScreenshot.WebsitesScreenshot. _ Result.Captured Then With __AsyncWebsitesScreenshot .ImageWidth = 100 .ImageHeight = 100 .SaveImage("c:\google.jpg") End With End If End Sub
C# .Net code.
private WebsitesScreenshot.WebsitesScreenshot __AsyncWebsitesScreenshot; private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { __AsyncWebsitesScreenshot = new WebsitesScreenshot. WebsitesScreenshot(); __AsyncWebsitesScreenshot.CaptureResult += new WebsitesScreenshot.WebsitesScreenshot .CaptureResultEventHandler( __AsyncWebsitesScreenshot_CaptureWebpageResult); __AsyncWebsitesScreenshot.CaptureWebpageAsync(""); } private void __AsyncWebsitesScreenshot_CaptureWebpageResult (WebsitesScreenshot.WebsitesScreenshot.Result pResult) { if (pResult == WebsitesScreenshot. WebsitesScreenshot.Result.Captured) { __AsyncWebsitesScreenshot.ImageWidth = 100; __AsyncWebsitesScreenshot.ImageHeight= 200; __AsyncWebsitesScreenshot.SaveImage ("c:\\google.jpg"); } }